
Parents win, union loses, in Northshore School District controversy

About the Author
Liv Finne
Director Emeritus, Center for Education

Last night the school board directors of the Northshore School District voted 3-2 to save the successful and popular Challenge learning program for 1,733 middle school students. This program allows students to voluntarily select more rigorous courses needed to prepare for college. Last month Challenge came under threat of closure when a district task force, appointed by outgoing Superintendent Larry Francois, recommended closing the program. The local teachers union opposes letting students voluntarily choose more rigorous courses, and has even threatened to strike if the district does not close the program, as I wrote here.

The 3-2 vote of the school board represents a rebuke to Superintendent Francois and the local teachers union. The 3-2 vote also represents a stunning win for parents and students in the Northshore School District. 

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