Could innovation destroy the black market for organs?

For anyone who has experienced needing or having a loved one need an organ transplant, the urgency for a greater supply of healthy organs is apparent. Often dramatized in media, the decisions medical centers have to make with a limited supply of organs and a high number of patients in need can be devastating. This has even created a black market for illegal organ harvesting to try to increase the supply.

Fortunately, T&R Biofab, a South Korean company, has been working to develop incredible 3D printing technologies. They recently created a 3D printed windpipe, which was able to be successfully implanted into a patient who had lost hers during a thyroid removal surgery. This huge step would not be possible without the innovative work from T&R Biofab, and continued development from the private company could turn the organ shortage on its head. As the technology continues to progress, more companies will be able to start developing their own solutions, increasing access and driving down cost for everyone. 

Even in areas where demand seems inelastic, such as medical needs, free market princples can reduce costs. With new sources for a supply in high demand, more patients are able to be treated at lower costs. 


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