SCREENING: No Safe Spaces

WPC is pleased to join Discovery Institute to offer a screening of the film, No Safe Spaces, featuring Adam Corrolla and Dennis Prager next month. The documentary exposes the politically correct culture and shocking assault on free speech that has plagued America’s college campuses. You can see the trailer here.

The screening will be held on Thursday, January 16 at 7 PM at Lincoln Square Cinemas in Bellevue. WPC and Discovery are pleased to offer YP Gold Members one free admission (though you are on your own for refreshments).   We are not able to offer more than one ticket per YP member until we gauge how the initial RSVPS go over the next week.

 If you plan on attending, please let Discovery know via email by Friday, January 10. We hope you can make it, it should be a fun event!  Special thank you to the Discovery Institute in extending this special offer to WPC YPs!  Please let us know if you have any questions.

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