

by Michael Gallagher, President

Welcome to the 7th edition of the Policy Guide for Washington State and our work at Washington Policy Center (WPC). We are an independent, non-profit research and educational organization with offices in Seattle andSpokane that supports free speech and the open and respectful exchange of ideas.

The first step in our research work is to listen. People often report that those in power don’t listen to them. Government policies drive the prices of basic necessities like food and fuel higher and higher. The government run public education system harms our children by failing to provide the caring learning environment found in dozens of other states. Failure to protect people and property leads to fear and prompts businesses to leave the state. Ordinary Washingtonians say they are frustrated because it is so difficult to achieve positive change in their lives.

The purpose of the Policy Guide is to provide practical solutions based on people’s genuine needs. It presents proven, evidence-based actions that elected officials can take to remove barriers and foster greater opportunity for everyone. The ideas and solutions in the Policy Guide are powerful for one simple reason: They work!

We are a member-driven organization with thousands of supporters statewide. The vast majority of our members are individuals, working families and small business owners living in cities, towns and small communities throughout the state. Over 95 percent of our support comes from in-state sources. All contributions are independent and voluntary. Due to our broad support we are not beholden to entrenched “special interest” funders. We do not receive or accept government money.

Our research program is centered on eight areas of public policy: budget, taxes and government reform; protecting the environment; promoting agriculture, reforming health care, improving education, protecting small business, improving transportation; and promoting labor reform and worker rights. The focus of each and all of them is to apply the principle of the free market to the decisions and policy choices that are made every day here in Washington. Our website is a real-time narrative that describes the path to prosperity for all our citizens.

Typical users of our research are state lawmakers, agency officials, city and county officials, reporters for print, broadcast and online media, and the general public. News organizations frequently use WPC research when covering current issues. Our experts, findings and policy recommendations are cited in news reports over one thousand times every year – and have been for decades.

Washington Policy Center is not a political organization. We promote ideas, not parties or candidates. Our experts serve as a resource for lawmakers of both parties to promote sound policies that benefit the people of Washington. As one of our long-serving team members has a acutely observed, “Political candidates and campaigns are lottery tickets. The Washington Policy Center is your 401(k) plan.”

The Policy Guide for Washington State presents the best ideas and reforms needed to make a positive difference for the people of our state. These are the priorities policymakers should adopt to advance better governance and state-improving reforms. This book is an essential part of the mission of Washington Policy Center, which is to promote the best policy ideas that improve the lives of all Washingtonians.

© 2024 Washington Policy Center

Access the full PDF version here or look at individual chapters below. You can purchase a kindle edition here,* purchase a physical copy by contacting us here, or access an audiobook version here.

Chapter 1 - Responsible Public Spending

Chapter 2 - Reforming Taxation

Chapter 3 - Environmental Stewardship

Chapter 4 - Improving Health Care Coverage

Chapter 5 - Improving Education

Chapter 6 - Protecting Democracy and Promoting Accountable Government

Chapter 7 - Creating Jobs and Protecting Worker Rights

Chapter 8 - Expanding Business Opportunities and Employment

Chapter 9 - Improving Mobility and Transportation Services

Chapter 10 - Improving Agriculture and Food Security


*Due to the variance in font, screen sizes, and display options, the Kindle Edition may have a few formatting incongruencies from the original.