
Our Legacy Partners program ensures that your legacy will live on and support one of the causes you care most about—freedom.

Everyone leaves a legacy. It is not an option – you either have a plan by default which is laid out for you by the government or you have a plan by design where YOU decide who benefits from your hard earned estate.

Taking the time now can ensure your legacy properly reflects your values. Consider a tax-saving bequest or other estate gift to Washington Policy Center today.

Planned gifts are a great opportunity to make a meaningful gift that costs you nothing during your lifetime. Thoughtful planned giving creates a win-win solutions for you and Washington Policy Center.

If you are interested in ensuring Washington Policy Center continues to serve Washington state for generations to come, please consider including us in your estate plans today and ensure your legacy lives on through WPC’s important work.

If you have already included Washington Policy Center in your estate plans, please let us know so we can recognize your commitment to our shared ideals.

For more information or to let WPC know you have included us in your estate plans, please contact Steven Hatting, President & CEO, at or (206) 937-9691

A Letter from WPC’s Development Director – Why and how to join WPC’s Legacy Partners

Read it here.


What our Legacy Partners have to say…

“Including WPC in our estate planning is a two-fold victory: We achieve our personal philanthropic goals and we support the future of WPC. If you’re a believer in and are committed to WPC’s core mission, what better way to do it than leave WPC in your estate plan.” - Legacy Partners, Heidi and Ron

“I wanted to reward Washington Policy Center for its good work and influence both in our state and nationally.” - Legacy Partner

“After thoroughly researching local organizations (including non-charities), we felt that Washington Policy Center was the most effective group promoting freedom for all the citizens of Washington State.” - Legacy Partners



Meet Heidi and Ron Stanley: Building a Legacy, Now

Washington Policy Center spoke with Heidi Stanley, Vice Chairman of WPC’s Board of Directors. She and her husband, Ron, are Legacy Partners.

Heidi was introduced to Washington Policy Center over a decade ago. At the time, she was President of Sterling Bank when WPC’s President, Dann Mead Smith, and current Board Chairman, Sarah Rindlaub, approached her. During this first meeting, she was introduced to WPC’s mission and the value the organization provides to our policymakers and citizens of Washington State.  From that point forward, WPC has been an independent, non-partisan, and high-quality information resource that she has relied on throughout her career.

Click here to read the full interview

Leaving a lasting legacy: Joe and Susan Rumble, Wenatchee, WA

Joe and Susan Rumble joined Washington Policy Center as members in 2010 after attending a luncheon event in Wenatchee to celebrate the opening of WPC’s Eastern Washington office.

Over the years, Joe and Susan became active members of WPC, supporting our new expansion in Eastern Washington with monthly donations.

In January of 2016, Joe died peacefully in his sleep at his home on the orchard in Monitor. Shortly after his passing, we were informed that Joe had listed WPC as a beneficiary in his will, leaving a Legacy gift to support the growth and important work at Washington Policy Center.

Joe attended the University of Idaho with the intention of pursuing a degree in forestry, but was drafted into the Navy in February of 1946. He was sent to the Navy Class A electronic service schools at Great Lakes, Illinois; Ward Island, Texas; and Memphis, Tennessee. He was honorably discharged in 1947. Ever since, he maintained that “Red, White and Blue runs through my veins.”

Click here to read the full interview