


Pillar Society
Membership Levels &
Pledge Form

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To support WPC’s vital work and new endeavors, to ensure our impact continues to grow, and to better steward our top donors, WPC launched the Pillar Society. The Pillar Society distinguishes donors who make a substantial pledge which is paid over three years (pledges start at $5,000 per year).

By joining our Pillar Society, you are putting your dollars toward a time-tested, professional organization that will fight for your principles long into the future. Be assured that we are working hard to give our policymakers, and voters, the information they need to make fiscally responsible choices.

Along with the distinction of being a WPC Pillar Society member, benefits include premier tables at our conferences and Annual Dinner (reserved before the event sells-out!), varying recognition throughout the year and invitations to private events with key public officials, business leaders and thought leaders.

We sincerely thank our current Pillar Society members, listed below, and invite you to join with us!

Contact Steven Hatting, our President & CEO at or (206) 937-9691 for more information.

Pillar Society Member List
Terry & Jane Petter
Scott Schlaepfer Family Foundation
In Memory of Roberta Weymouth
$100,000 - $224,999
Bruce R. McCaw Family Foundation
Hon. Mary & Vic Odermat, Brown Bear Car Wash
Anonymous (1)
$50,000 - $99,999
Kevin & Renee Bouchey
Brent Frei
The Harnish Group Inc.
Maryanna & Steven Hatting
Matt McIlwain* - Madrona Venture Group
National Electrical Contractors Association - Puget Sound Chapter
Kirk & Sandy Newby
Quinn Family
CBIZ Berntson Porter - CPAs - Greg Porter*
Sarah* & John Rindlaub
Jeff & Angela Vandel
Robert & Ruth Wright - Matthew G. Norton Co.
$30,000 - $49,999
Dan Absher - Absher Construction Company
Associated Builders and Contractors - Western Washington
AssuredPartners of Washington
Dave* & Jean Barber - CairnWest Inc.
Chuck & Linda Barbo
Warren & Nancy Bryant
Jason Childs
Kent & Bonnie Clausen
Bill Coburn & Darlene Sobieck
John & Kathy* Connors
D'Ewart Representatives L.L.C.
Anna & Bill Duff
Craig & Marilee Eerkes
John & Mimi Ferlin
Fremont Dock Co.
Kristina & Richard Greiling
John & Kathy Hennessy
Tom & Mary Herche
Brian K. Heywood
Eric & Randi Johnson
Jim & April LaLonde
Laura Ellen & Bob Muglia
Erik & Tamara Nelson
John* & Molly Otter
Annette & Bob Parks
Donald & Karin Root Family
Larry & Diane Sundquist
Bruce & Peggy Wanta
Adam* & Amanda Wray
Anonymous (1)
$15,000 - $29,999
John & Polly Addison
Alexander Hutton
Bryan & Brenda Alford
Andrea Alstrup
Sam E. Baker Jr.
Roger Belanich and Family
Ronald L. Berenstain
Merrily & Doug Betzold
Mary Alice Binder
James & Debra Blodgett
Shane & Alvora Boehm
Catherine Boshaw & Doug Edlund
James Boulanger - Patriot Fire Protection
Roger* & Leslie Bowlin - Real Estate Transition Solutions - LLC
Doug & Nancy Boyden
Breier-Scheetz Properties
Joe Brotherton
Denis Bryant - Living Care Lifestyles
Artie Buerk
Joanna & Kevin Cable
Mark & Tonyia Cairns
Rick & Laura Carlson
Dr. Susie & Mike Cero
Randy & Judy Clark
Ron & Patti Cline - Central Valley Helicopters
George & Kay Constantine
Jim & Diane Coughlin
Anne & Stacey Cowles
James C. Czirr
John & Arian Davis
Dr. Marie Durflinger
Mark Elster - AOME Architects
Matthew Ewers
Hon. Barb & Pat Fahey
Allan H. Ferrin
Carl & Jan Fisher
Dorothy Fluke
Team Foster - Tere Foster & Moya Skillman
Jeff & Jana Foushee
Franklin Co. Farm Bureau
Joel & Suzanne French
Jim & Linda Gebhardt
Jamie & Bill Goodwin
Mike & Mark Hambelton
Dennis & Norma Jean Hanson
Stephen & Casey Henager
Rick Hermanson - Hermanson Company
Carl & Betty Hogan
Charles & Nancy Hogan
Douglas Howe & Robin DuBrin
Jared & Tahnee Huyett
John Ittes & Janene Siers
J.R. Simplot Company
Jake Jacobson
Gregory & LaFon Jantz
JIJ Corporation, Skip & Katie Jansen
Mike & Linda Jones
Sandy Kachlein
Tamra & Harlan Kammin
Jeffrey Katke
John & Heidi Kelly
Judith M. King & Gifford E. Thomas
Chris Knowlton - The Source of Spokane
Miles Kohl - Allan Bros. Inc.
Kate Lampson*
Linn Larsen & Barbara Wyatt
Russell & Marianne LeSage
Chuck & Karen Lytle
Maddox Industrial Transformer
Marathon Petroleum Corporation
Chris Marker
McDonald - Bryant - Goux
Kris & Lindsey McGrew
Michael K. & Barbara McKernan
Jack & Noel McRae
Jim & Paula Melby
Peter Morkill
Roger & Kathy Nelson
Neudorfer Foundation
Don & Melissa Nielsen - Lumenal Lighting
Steven & Lynn Nisco
Kurt & Gayle Orton
Nancy & Doug Overturf - Overturf Properties - LLC
Perrault Farms - Inc.
Wayne & Christine Perry
Ken & Claudia Peterson
Benjamin & Lauren Petter
Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America
Tom & Jean Platt
Dale & JoAnn Potter
Rainier Pacific Co.
Chris Randall
Lew Randall
Bruce & Gail Richards
Joseph Ryan
Susan Schwasnick
Jon Snare
Sommerville Group. Inc. - Slim Sommerville and Tad Sommerville
Carlie & Doug Stewart
Mel & Leena Sturman
Martin Tobias
Tyrus & Kathy Tenold
Robert & Betsy Tutland
Daniel Wilskie & Meghann Good - UBS Financial Services
WaFd Bank
Wallace Properties - Inc.
Washington Bankers Association
Washington State Tree Fruit Association
Steve & Shari Welch
Western Wood Preserving Co.
JT & Kathy Wilcox, Wilcox Strategies
Steven & Linda Wilhoit
James C. Williams
Nathan & Holly Williams
Craig* & Janet Williamson
Don & Cheerfield Wong
Len & Darcy Zarelli
Anonymous (7)

*Denotes a WPC Board Member