John & Polly Addison
Alexander Hutton
Bryan & Brenda Alford
Andrea Alstrup
Sam E. Baker Jr.
Roger Belanich and Family
Ronald L. Berenstain
Merrily & Doug Betzold
Mary Alice Binder
James & Debra Blodgett
Shane & Alvora Boehm
Catherine Boshaw & Doug Edlund
James Boulanger - Patriot Fire Protection
Roger* & Leslie Bowlin - Real Estate Transition Solutions - LLC
Doug & Nancy Boyden
Breier-Scheetz Properties
Joe Brotherton
Denis Bryant - Living Care Lifestyles
Artie Buerk
Joanna & Kevin Cable
Mark & Tonyia Cairns
Rick & Laura Carlson
Dr. Susie & Mike Cero
Randy & Judy Clark
Ron & Patti Cline - Central Valley Helicopters
George & Kay Constantine
Jim & Diane Coughlin
Anne & Stacey Cowles
James C. Czirr
John & Arian Davis
Dr. Marie Durflinger
Mark Elster - AOME Architects
Matthew Ewers
Hon. Barb & Pat Fahey
Allan H. Ferrin
Carl & Jan Fisher
Dorothy Fluke
Team Foster - Tere Foster & Moya Skillman
Jeff & Jana Foushee
Franklin Co. Farm Bureau
Joel & Suzanne French
Jim & Linda Gebhardt
Jamie & Bill Goodwin
Mike & Mark Hambelton
Dennis & Norma Jean Hanson
Stephen & Casey Henager
Rick Hermanson - Hermanson Company
Carl & Betty Hogan
Charles & Nancy Hogan
Douglas Howe & Robin DuBrin
Jared & Tahnee Huyett
John Ittes & Janene Siers
J.R. Simplot Company
Jake Jacobson
Gregory & LaFon Jantz
JIJ Corporation, Skip & Katie Jansen
Mike & Linda Jones
Sandy Kachlein
Tamra & Harlan Kammin
Jeffrey Katke
John & Heidi Kelly
Judith M. King & Gifford E. Thomas
Chris Knowlton - The Source of Spokane
Miles Kohl - Allan Bros. Inc.
Kate Lampson*
Linn Larsen & Barbara Wyatt
Russell & Marianne LeSage
Chuck & Karen Lytle
Maddox Industrial Transformer
Marathon Petroleum Corporation
Chris Marker
McDonald - Bryant - Goux
Kris & Lindsey McGrew
Michael K. & Barbara McKernan
Jack & Noel McRae
Jim & Paula Melby
Peter Morkill
Roger & Kathy Nelson
Neudorfer Foundation
Don & Melissa Nielsen - Lumenal Lighting
Steven & Lynn Nisco
Kurt & Gayle Orton
Nancy & Doug Overturf - Overturf Properties - LLC
Perrault Farms - Inc.
Wayne & Christine Perry
Ken & Claudia Peterson
Benjamin & Lauren Petter
Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America
Tom & Jean Platt
Dale & JoAnn Potter
Rainier Pacific Co.
Chris Randall
Lew Randall
Bruce & Gail Richards
Joseph Ryan
Susan Schwasnick
Jon Snare
Sommerville Group. Inc. - Slim Sommerville and Tad Sommerville
Carlie & Doug Stewart
Mel & Leena Sturman
Martin Tobias
Tyrus & Kathy Tenold
Robert & Betsy Tutland
Daniel Wilskie & Meghann Good - UBS Financial Services
WaFd Bank
Wallace Properties - Inc.
Washington Bankers Association
Washington State Tree Fruit Association
Steve & Shari Welch
Western Wood Preserving Co.
JT & Kathy Wilcox, Wilcox Strategies
Steven & Linda Wilhoit
James C. Williams
Nathan & Holly Williams
Craig* & Janet Williamson
Don & Cheerfield Wong
Len & Darcy Zarelli
Anonymous (7)