
Breakfast with Arthur Brooks: Promoting free-enterprise through effective storytelling

  • Start
    07:30 AM, 05/15/2018
  • End
    09:00 AM, 05/15/2018
  • Location
    Stadium Silver Cloud Hotel -
    1046 1st Ave S.
    *Complimentary valet parking
    Seattle, WA

You are invited to a special breakfast event with Arthur Brooks for a discussion on how to make the case for free enterprise through effective storytelling.

Arthur Brooks is a bestselling author, a social scientist, and the president of the American Enterprise Institute. Arthur works with top scholars, policymakers, and elected officials to fight for all Americans’ access to free enterprise and earned success. He is a frequent guest on national television and radio talk shows, and his recent book, The Conservative Heart: How to Build a Fairer, Happier, and more Prosperous America, is a New York Times bestseller. Arthur received WPC’s annual Columbia Award at our Annual Dinner in Bellevue in 2016.

In addition, we will be giving a brief overview of our Legacy Partners program at this event, which recognizes those who have made a bequest or indicated they have included Washington Policy Center in their estate plans.

For questions about your membership status and level, please contact Sydney Jansen at or (206) 937-9691
