
Conservation Technology 101: How you can innovate for the planet

  • Start
    12:00 PM, 04/29/2023
  • End
    02:30 PM, 04/29/2023

From protecting some of the world’s most threatened species to keeping plastic out of the ocean, small, conservation technologies are helping solve some of the planet’s biggest environmental problems.

Join some of the world’s leading experts in conservation technology to show how anyone can create powerful environmental technologies. The two-hour seminar will focus on environmental problems, available technologies, and sources of funding to help innovate.

April 29, 2023
Begins: Noon (Pacific)/3 pm (Eastern)
Ends: 2:30 (Pacific)/5:30 pm (Eastern)

Join the event here!

Speakers include:

  • Todd Myers, author of “Time to Think Small: How Nimble Environmental Technologies Can Solve the Planet’s Biggest Problems”
  • Sarah Maston, Microsoft, Founder of Project 15 from Microsoft
  • Carly Batist, Rainforest Connection
  • David Oliver, Head of Carbon, DevvStream 
  • Caroline Nickerson, SciStarter

Anyone can participate – biologists, economists, engineers, social scientists, or those who just care about the environment.

For the full program, click here! 

A big thank you to our event sponsor, DevvStream!


Hosted by:
Washington Policy Center



American Conservation Coalition


