
Lunch with Philip K. Howard

  • Start
    12:00 PM, 04/03/2019
  • End
    01:30 PM, 04/03/2019
  • Location
    Silver Cloud Stadium Hotel
    Seattle, WA

You are invited to join us for a special lunch event with Philip K. Howard.

Philip K. Howard is the founder of Common Good, a nonprofit that advocates for simplifying government. His last book, The Rule of Nobody, was a finalist for the Hayek Book Prize. 

In his new book, Try Common Sense, Philip K. Howard proposes a radical simplification of government to re-empower Americans in their daily choices. Nothing will make sense until people are free to roll up their sleeves and make things work. The first steps are to abandon the philosophy of correctness and insistence on mindless compliance.

In this brief and powerful book, he argues that Americans are practical people. They want government to be practical. Washington can’t do anything practically. Worse, it’s bureaucracy prevents Americans from doing what’s sensible. Howard shows how America can push the reset button and create simpler frameworks focused on public goals where officials - prepare for the shock - are actually accountable for getting the job done. 

Howard’s speech at the 2010 TED Conference was praised by TED’s CEO Chris Anderson, as “stunning” and something that he wished “every member of Congress, every Supreme Court justice would see.”  He has worked closely with leaders of both major political parties including Governors Jeb Bush, Mitch Daniels, Zell Miller and Lawton Chiles.



