
Young Professionals Annual Dinner

  • Start
    06:00 PM, 10/07/2016
  • End
    09:00 PM, 10/07/2016
  • Location
    Bellevue Hyatt Regency
    Bellevue, WA

WPC Young Professionals Annual Dinner draws over 350 YPs from across our state, and helps spread free-market ideas to the next generation of business, policy, and social leaders. This year’s Young Professionals dinner will feature two distinguished speakers – Daniel Hannan, chief architect of the Brexit campaign and member of the European Parliament, and Arthur Brooks, author and president of the American Enterprise Institute. Additionally, Washington state Representative Melanie Stambaugh of the 25th District will be emceeing the evening!

This year, the YP dinner will not be a simulcast event, as it has in the past! Instead, those in attendance will hear live from each speaker in the YP ballroom followed by a question and answer session.

This will be an event you do not want to miss!

Download file Download a 2016 sponsorship form here.


