
Another business closes in Seattle – rising crime is likely the reason

Washington based Bartell Drugs, founded in Seattle in 1890 and now owned by Rite Aid, is closing one of its larger stores in Seattle. Business conditions and costs are cited as some of the reasons for the forced closure reported in a recent article by The Town Square.

Crime is significantly up in China Town and the recent community outrage over the planned Sound Transit expansion which will force several businesses to close, is having a negative effect on not only Bartell Drugs, but on other family owned businesses in the China Town area where the Bartell store is located.

Seattle in recent months has seen several prominent businesses close stores in the downtown area siting safety concerns for their employees and customers.

The anti-law enforcement policies of the Seattle City Council and recent legislation passed by the Washington State Legislature have directly contributed to the safety issues in Seattle and other areas.

The good news is, by reversing course, repealing the punitive laws against law enforcement and prosecuting criminals, business is likely to return to Seattle’s downtown. House Bill 2037, passed by the legislature in 2022, is a first step in that direction, but more needs to be done.

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