
Bomb Cyclone Should Spur Conversation On Energy Grid

About the Author
David Boze
Communications & Marketing Director

Bomb Cyclone Should Spur Conversation On Energy Grid

SEATTLE – The massive blackouts arising from the Bomb Cyclone storm in the Pacific Northwest should spark a conversation about Washington's energy grid and the wisdom of natural gas as a home heating option. Recall that increasing demands on our energy grid and our policy of increasing reliance on more expensive and less reliable forms of energy are projected to increase the risk of blackouts in Washington state's not-so-distant future.

Right now, the sweeping power outages show the importance of natural gas heating.  Recall that the ban voters recalled in November would also have banned back-up natural gas systems.

The following are statements from Todd Myers, Washington Policy Center's Vice President for Research:

"The huge blackout caused by the storm this week is a clear reminder that diversifying our energy systems is important. Like natural gas stoves, some natural gas heating systems don’t require electricity and can be used when the power is out. Voters were wise to repeal Washington’s expensive and risky ban on natural gas energy.

Additionally, with Washington’s CO2 cap, a ban on natural gas adds nothing to the state’s CO2 reduction. The ban rejected by the voters would simply have made reducing emissions more expensive and riskier.

Right now, we are experiencing some of the real-world scenarios policymakers were ignoring."


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