
Dam your facts!

About the Author
David Boze
Communications & Strategy Director

Daniel Patrick Moynihan famously said, "You are entitled to your opinion, but you are not entitled to your own facts." Of course, Senator Moynihan might have changed his mind were he alive to witness much of the environmental movement. 

Claims that the Lower Snake River dams are destroying the salmon and the only way to save the salmon is to get rid of the dams are repeated as maxims of truth, but when WPC's Todd Myers points to data that undermines that argument, he is isolated, ignored, and denied. Environmental results take the back seat to other agendas.

Dam advocates are far from alone in this willingness to do this. Just take a look at the recent emails from the rooftop solar industry and their reaction to Todd's work pointing out the data does not support rooftop solar as an efficient energy source for Washington state. Todd and WPC are again defined as the enemy because the data and context we shared does not support their agenda.  They can shoot the messenger and ignore the data so long as media and government allow it. 

That's what makes this interview with John Stossell so wonderful. Stossel not only calls up the data on the dams controversy, he names the organizations that refuse to come on and refute it. And he shows their ads, their speeches, and the unquestioning news coverage of their claims to devastating effect.

If you know someone who is not yet a supporter of WPC and they're wondering why our work is important, send them to this video. Todd Myers delivers a master class in being the happy warrior, refusing to surrender ground or tone or the environment to those who are manipulating the earnest desire of many to make an environmental difference for the sake of political advancement.


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