
Health Care Choices 2020 plan would provide access to affordable, high-quality care for everyone

About the Author
Roger Stark
Senior Fellow, WPC Center for Health Care

Key Facts

1. The nation faces a clear choice between two paths for America’s health care future: One is largely controlled by the government and based on empty promises. The other would give control to patients and doctors, lead to more choices, lower costs, and improved quality and access for everyone.

2. The first path builds on socialist failure, especially its soaring costs and tight restrictions on access to the doctors and hospitals that patients want and need.

3. The second path reflects American values—an innovative, patient-focused approach that gives patients more control and better choices at lower costs.

4. Health Care Choices 2020 proposes practical ways to create affordable access. It would remove barriers to competition, spark new medicines and treatments, and let people manage their own health care dollars.

5. Americans deserve a system that encourages innovation and competition to provide consumers the best care at the lowest cost.



The nation today faces a clear choice between two paths for America’s health care future: One is largely controlled by the government and strewn with empty promises. The other is controlled by patients and doctors, leading to more choices, lower costs, and improved quality and access.

The first path builds on failure. Approaches like a public option which was passed by the Washington state legislature in 2019 —“Medicare for All” on the installment plan—double down on Obamacare’s failures, especially its soaring costs and tightening restrictions on access to the doctors and hospitals that patients want and need.

Make no mistake: No matter how their ideas are packaged, the political left’s ultimate goal is to impose a Medicare for All system and eliminate free choice and private health insurance coverage. Legislation sponsored by a majority of Congressional Democrats would outlaw Americans’ existing coverage and put them in a system in which all of their choices are controlled by government.

The second policy path reflects American values. It proposes an innovative, patientfocused approach that would give patients more control and better choices at lower costs. It is a path that would free patients and doctors to make health care decisions and would empower innovators to produce better solutions at lower prices. It would make insurance and care more affordable while better protecting those with pre-existing conditions and chronic health problems. It is also a path that would help Americans. Independent estimates show it would lower health insurance premiums by up to 24 percent, cover nearly four million more people through private coverage, and improve access to medical providers by eight percent.

The American people know we need real change. Clearly, people want to be in charge of their health care without having to ask Washington, D.C., politicians or health insurance bureaucrats for permission first.


Read the full Legislative Memo here.

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