
Last chance – Rent Control HB 1217 is under consideration in the Senate today

About the Author
Mark Harmsworth
Director, Small Business Center

According to its title, House Bill 1217 (HB 1217), is supposed to help keep rents low and create affordable housing, but the reality is that it will only increase rent and exasperate the housing shortage in Washington.

HB 1217 is being considered by the Senate Housing Committee today. You can sign in your position or testify by clicking here.

The bill passed off the house floor despite over 80 amendments that were offered to improve the bill being rejected by the majority party. While only Democrats voted in favor of the bill, some Democrats and all the Republicans voted against the bill.

House Bill 1217 is bad policy, will increase rents, reduce housing supply and should be rejected by the Washington Senate to prevent it becoming law.

You can read more about rent control here.

For the full list of Washington Policy Center recommendations on how to create affordable housing, see our Policy Brief here.

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