A legislative committee in the Senate heard testimony this morning about Senate Bill 5041. The bill would allow workers who choose to go on strike to collect benefits from the unemployment insurance (UI) fund — a fund that is 100% funded by employers and meant for workers who lose work through no fault of their own.
More than a dozen people, both pro and con, were able to testify on the bill, and the chair of the Senate Labor and Commerce Committee reported that the number of people hoping to testify included 27 people who were opposed to SB 5041 and 12 who were in favor. Another 1,283 people registered their support of the bill, while 1,196 were opposed. SB 5041 is among the more controversial bills proposed this session.
The testimony I offered follows:
I’m Elizabeth New from the Washington Policy Center. Thanks for time today.
This bill has the potential to hurt far more workers than it helps. It’s a favor to unions at the expense of some unionized workers, non-union employees, employers and consumers.
Employers aren’t the only ones punished when they don’t give unions what they want. Strikes even bring consequences for workers. After the recent Boeing machinist strike, in part because of the strike, layoffs began.
A recent survey found Washington was the 46th worst state to do business. This won’t help. And since the state increasingly chooses to rely on workers for state programs, this won’t help the state budget either. Fewer workers means less revenue.
Unemployment insurance is meant for workers who lose jobs through no fault of their own and who are ready and looking for work. Jeopardizing the fund is irresponsible.
Last year, there was discussion about whether the fund could take on the burden of paying striking workers who are not looking for work. That’s the wrong question, and we can only guess at the answer: We don’t know how many strikes this change will inspire. We do know it risks undermining a safety net for all workers and that unions collect dues from members that could fund a strike fund for which they pay.
We workers choose where we work and when it is time to leave. Employers already suffer the monetary consequences of high turnover, dissatisfaction and strikes. Driving businesses out of Washington with bad policy leaves workers with fewer options.
As for details, this bill doesn’t strictly prohibit UI funds from going to public employees who strike. It needs to. Think of the added learning loss this strike fund could encourage. You should be considering strike penalties for public unions, not pay for striking workers.
Washington is already one of the most difficult places to run a business. Don’t make it harder. Please protect work options, workers and businesses by rejecting Senate Bill 5041.
* The full hearing is available on TVW here.