
SB 6586, to impose a mileage tax on owners of electric and hybrid vehicles

About the Author
Mariya Frost
Director, Coles Center for Transportation Nov. 2017 - May 2022

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Key Findings


  1. Senate Bill 6586 would require the Washington State Transportation Commission and state Department of Licensing (DOL) to create a plan for implementing a mileage tax (or per-mile charge) on electric, hybrid, and state-owned fleets by December 1, 2021.
  2. The legislation seems premature given the artificial cost-drivers officials impose on transportation projects. These should be eliminated before imposing a new tax on the public.
  3. Owners of electric vehicles pay $150 each year as a gas tax offset. If lawmakers feel that is too low, they should consider raising it, rather than imposing a new and administratively costly tax to replace it.
  4. The state should not consider variable rates based on various “policy levers.” They should resist the urge to layer the charge with additional social objectives.
  5. Any per-mile charge should be protected under the state constitution’s 18th amendment, which protects money for highway purposes only.
  6. To increase public trust, lawmakers should reduce artificial cost-drivers in transportation, and take preliminary steps to ensure any per-mile charge directly benefits and protects the drivers who pay it.

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