Unless you are a CEO or you follow business news closely, you may not know the name John Mackey. He's the internationally acclaimed CEO of Whole Foods and is considered among the best in the world at what he does. But that's not why he's been chosen to keynote WPC's Western Washington Annual Dinner on October 1st. Mackey was selected because he's among the most adamant defenders of free markets in the corporate world. Mackey described capitalism as the "greatest thing that humanity has ever created" and he warned that those slamming free markets as "trickle down economics" are too often dangerously advocating socialism, "trickle up poverty" that would "impoverish everything." He is calling for business leaders around the nation and the world to stand up for capitalism before it's too late. His organization, Conscious Capitalism declares "business is good because it creates value" and "it is heroic because it lifts people out of poverty and creates prosperity."
While other corporate leaders may seek to appease those clamoring for a greater embrace of socialism, John Mackey is fighting back and wants other business leaders to do the same.
Come hear John Mackey's message for free market defenders at WPC's Western Washington Annual Dinner event in Bellevue on October 1 at 7:00 pm.
Register now before tickets sell out.