
Solutions on the Table

About the Author
David Boze
Communications & Marketing Director

For almost 20 years, WPC has published its Policy Guide, an extensively footnoted state policy bible.  That guide has been primarily provided to lawmakers to reference in their legislative work. It continues to be a valued resource for many legislators and their staff. This is important because the legislative session is the Superbowl of state policy -- but what about the regular season that shapes the playoffs and who plays in the Superbowl?

WPC needs to have its voice heard in the regular season that leads up to the 2023 session.Right now, when the public pays greater attention to policy, and would-be lawmakers pay attention to the public, there are forums, small gatherings, community debates and media analysis, all focusing on state issues. It is the regular season for state policy.  We need to push WPC issues into the public square, show people better options, and give them the information they need to act on them. To aid in that effort we've launched, “Solutions on the Table” – a new WPC initiative aimed at elevating and shaping the public debate.  We want people to see the better options available to them and take that information into every public forum and meeting. We want media to look at the real issues that impact our lives and make those issues part of the narrative. We want citizens who are moderate and independent, undecided but involved, to hear and understand our messaging so they take it with them where ever they go.  And we want incumbents and challengers, of both parties, to see our materials and realize their value, and whether they agree or disagree with WPC, we want our recommendations to be an inevitable part of the debate.

The initial "Solutions on the Table" look and feel is based on the approach of the Progressive news site, Now This (although obviously we use a Free-Market perspective).Each topic has a unique landing page, an explanatory video, social media sharables, and a click-through opportunity for more information.  The click-through brings readers into WPC pages, with links to supporting research.  We’ll be adding additional creative to current topics as well as add new Solutions as we go forward.  Ideas and feedback on materials are welcomed. Please email me at


Topic landing pages:
Emissions tax on gasoline:
Education Savings Accounts:
Sales Tax Cut:

One-stop-shop Home page:




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