During the 2025 session, the Washington State legislature has gone crazy for new taxes. Claiming a $10 billion to $15 billion budget shortfall due to uncontrolled spending (depending on who you ask), the Democrats in Olympia are attempting to ballon the state budget even higher. In the last decade, the taxes collected by state government have doubled (along with legislators salaries) and still the politician’s insatiable appetite for more tax payer money continues.
Washington doesn’t have a tax revenue problem; it has a spending problem.
To put things in perspective, Washington Policy Center has listed just 20 (and still not all) of the newly proposed taxes to give a little perspective on the out-of-control grab for tax revenue. Some bills won’t make it through the process, but others are still on the table.
If you want to express your opinion on how the legislature is attempting to lighten your wallet, contact your legislator on the hotline here.
Washington State Legislature Proposed Tax Increases
1. HB 1334 - Raise the 1% annual limit property tax increases to 3%, a 200% increase.
2. HB 1319 - New property tax on financial assets (>$250m)
3. HB 1503 - $2 fee on every internet connect device sold for over $250
4. HB 1763 – 6% AirBnB tax
5. HB 1100 – New 0.5% sales tax increase
6. HB 1319 – Wealth Tax of 1% per year on owned assets over $100 million
7. HB 1480 – Real Estate Excise tax increase of 0.5% on home sales
8. HB 1181 – Business & Occupation tax increase from 0.02% to 0.5% on businesses
9. HB 1702 – New County Utility Taxes on ALL utilities
10. HB 1785 – Tax CEOs a higher rate
11. HB 1867 - Increase the Real Estate Excise Tax on property sellers, AGAIN
12. HB 1044 - 300% in the fee to file real estate excise tax affidavits
13. HB 1858 - Expands document recording fees
14. HB 1996 - New 0.1% local sales tax for county behavioral health diversion programs
15. HB 2015 - New 0.1% local sales tax for criminal justice
16. HB 1805 - New 0.1% local sales tax for services for children and families
17. HB 1907 - New Sales Tax on Storage Units
18. HB 1839 - Remove the Cap on Employer Payroll Taxes
19. SB 5390 - Increase the Discover Pass fee
20. HB 1921 - New transportation taxes/fees to supplement declining gas tax revenues