
Time to end Washington’s stealth tax special elections

About the Author
Jason Mercier
Director, Center for Government Reform

We love our right to vote in Washington and the citizen oversight of tax policy. That doesn’t mean we want to be voting all year long though on special tax levies. Once a year at the general election, when voter turnout is highest, should be good enough. The good news, it sounds like there is growing support to end the state’s stealth tax elections and instead focus that voter involvement when more citizens are paying attention.

Consider this January 22, 2021 tweet by Sen. Carlyle:

I followed up with Sen. Carlyle this morning and asked him if he would have interest in expanding this policy proposed in 2017 (HB 2083: Limiting the dates for holding special elections) and require that all tax levy votes occur only during the November general election. Here is what Sen. Carlyle told me:

“I would like to see a full reconsideration of dates of elections. It’s a smart off-season project. This session, we need to stay focused on COVID, reopening our economy and other top priorities. Low turnout, low awareness elections serve no one well and we should consider ways to modernize our approach.”

Ending stealth tax elections and increasing voter participation by moving levy votes to the November general election is smart policy. Keep an eye out to see if this election reform proposal gains traction in future sessions.

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