
Union front group doesn’t like online discussion of ideas to improve the schools

About the Author
Liv Finne
Director Emeritus, Center for Education

The Northwest Accountability Project (NAP), a union-funded front group, just attacked the education policy session of our statewide Solution Summit. Our Summit was attended virtually by hundreds of people last month. The anonymous attack is a sneer about charter schools and a personal attack on our invited expert guest.  She was Rep. Vicki Kraft from Southwest Washington, who discussed her proposal to improve schools.  You can watch my interview of her here.

As most people know, Washington Policy Center is the state’s premier independent policy research organization.  We are dedicated to open debate and free discussion because we believe the best ideas come from this healthy exchange. Clearly some people prefer to use smears and personal attacks when they can’t win the debate with facts and reason. But we will never give up our right to discuss ways to help more families get access to quality learning options for their children.  


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