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State changes course on collecting personal information in restaurants - May 14
From the Director of the Center for Government Reform, Jason Mercier
From Center for Education Director, Liv Finne
State Board of Education and state Superintendent cut education service hours to students, providing new reason to give parents $3000 to educate each child - November 16
Officials set a COVID-19 standard for re-opening schools that may be impossible to meet - September 22
Giving parents $3,000 to educate their children during COVID would reduce inequities in public education - August 19
Parents are demanding schools reopen; the state should provide parents $3,000 education vouchers for each child - August 13
Parents should get a $3,000 education voucher if schools stay closed this fall - July 23
Seattle Public Schools and other districts announce they won’t reopen schools this fall - July 22
Parents and students need new learning options since public schools may not open this fall - June 17
To avoid ongoing harm to children, schools should open this fall - June 3
In the midst of COVID-19 crisis, the WEA union can help fix the state budget; here’s how - June 2
WEA union is seeking protection from COVID-19 budget cuts - May 22
Superintendent Reykdal denies 780 families funding to attend online public schools - May 14
Amid coronavirus lock-downs, many families are finding that homeschooling is better for their children - May 12
Union front group doesn't like online discussion of ideas to improve the schools - May 4. 2020
School districts respond to coronavirus with property tax relief - April 14
Since the governor has closed schools for the year, parents should receive some of the remaining education funding to help them access learning services for children - April 7
COVID-19 education aid should go to families, not to school administrators - March 31
From Coles Center for Transportation Director Mariya Frost
Community Transit is spending more money despite declining ridership - July 13
WSDOT announces program to shut down highway lanes for your emotional and physical well-being - July 8
Taking a big hit to ridership, King County Metro sees COVID-19 recovery as opportunity to “reset” - June 24
It's harder to install a stop sign in Seattle than to close 20 miles of streets - May 12
New data shows big shift in travel preferences post-COVID - May 4
Transit agencies should not be in the food delivery business - April 30
Transit agencies should reduce service, promote safer options during COVID-19 outbreak
From Center for the Environment Director Todd Myers
An irresponsible silence about King County’s spike in COVID transmission - August 13
Washington state flying blind on COVID testing and vulnerable populations - August 10
Data ignorance is making COVID restrictions worse than they need to be - July 24
After months of stagnation, Washington's COVID testing increases - July 2
Fair closures effect youth development, food security, rural economies - June 26
Washington’s COVID-19 testing collapses and governor abandons his “dials” after just one month - June 5
One month later, Washington's COVID-19 dashboard is already irrelevant - May 22
The governor's unscientific and misleading COVID-19 dials - May 14
The government wants restaurants to be part of the nanny state - May 12
Time to reopen recreational fishing - April 27
Puget Sound air quality has not improved despite lockdown - April 24
Remove regulatory friction to accelerate economic recovery - April 6
Technology proving more effective at reducing electricity demand than COVID-19 - March 31
As states, cities, and grocery chains ban reusable bags, governor to consider bill promoting them- March 25
From the Director of Washington Policy Center's Initiative on Agriculture, Pam Lewison