
You did it Washingtonians! SB 6617 vetoed!

About the Author
Jason Mercier
Director, Center for Government Reform

After unprecedented public outcry over the outrageous process used by lawmakers to enact SB 6617 (legislative public records), Governor Inslee has vetoed the bill! Several lawmakers have promised not to override the veto (see herehere and here). Now we can have a real public process to discuss legislative public records reform. We'll have more to say on this in the future. For now, congratulations Washingtonians for refusing to roll over and instead demanding transparent and accountable government! 

Additional Information
Inslee vetoes ESB 6617 – Legislature and media agree to discuss path forward
Hypocrisy illustrated by a bill page
Lawmakers have awakened a sleeping giant - Demand for transparency grows
Timeline: Legislative public records debate
State lawmakers should be held to same open public disclosure requirements as local officials
KVEW TV SB 6617 interview
KEPR TV SB 6617 interview

Media stories on veto
Everett Herald: Inslee vetoes public records bill; lawmakers get a do-over
KUOW: Inslee Vetoes Public Records Bill As Lawmakers Acknowledge 'We Made A Mistake'
Seattle Times: Washington citizens can move mountains — or at least a governor to veto
Seattle Times: Gov. Inslee vetoes Legislature’s controversial public-records bill
Spokesman Review: Gov. Jay Inslee vetoes bill exempting Legislature from Public Records Act
Tacoma News Tribune: Inslee vetoes controversial legislative public records bill
Tacoma News Tribune: People, press, governor win fight for government sunlight
Tri-City Herald:Thanks Governor, for paying attention to the outrage
Vancouver Columbian: Public Vetoes Secrecy 
Yakima Herald Republic: Public can take credit for governor’s records veto

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