
The Washington State Public School Achievement Index rates the quality of more than 2,000 public schools across the state. The Index is based on the State Board of Education's Achievement Index for the school year 2013-14, accessible here.

In 2013, the State Board of Education significantly changed how the Achievement Index ranks schools. The changes reflected the requirements of the U.S. Department of Education and anticipate results from the federal Smarter Balanced test taken by Washington students this past spring, 2015. WPC’s Policy Note explaining changes the State Board of Education made in 2013 to its methodology of ranking of schools may be found here.

  • Nearly half of Washington public schools, 921 schools, or 44 percent, received a D ranking or lower
  • 818 schools, 39 percent, received a B or C ranking
  • Only 91 public schools, 4 percent, received an exemplary A ranking
  • 267 schools, or 13 percent, were not rated


Results from previous years can be found here.

** Note: The following presents the state's Achievement Index and adds letter grades to show how A through F ratings would apply if the legislature were to adopt a letter grade system. **


Alphabetically by school district:

By school ranking:

Alphabetically by school: 

School Ranking by Composite achievement index: