
2022 Missed Votes Report from

About the Author
Franz Wiechers-Gregory Director

Every year, WashingtonVotes releases a "missed votes" report on lawmakers, compiling how many floor votes each lawmaker missed during the legislative session. Before the report is released, those with the most votes missed are asked for comment or explanation so that their missed votes can be read within context.  For example, often votes are missed due to personal or family illness. 

Below is the link for the full 2022 Missed Votes Report as well as explanations from lawmakers who responded providing context to the report.  Lawmaker comments are provided verbatim.  (NOTE: Change the date range at top of page to “Jan 2022 to Dec 2022” to display 2022 Session Missed Votes.)

A pdf file of the complete 2022 MIssed Vote page is also available here.


  Legislators' Comments on Missed Votes Record - 2022 Regular Session


Below are the responses of the following lawmakers:

Sen. June Robinson

Thank you for the opportunity to explain why I missed votes during the 2022 legislative session:

My mother passed away on February 26, 2022 and I traveled to Pennsylvania for her funeral the following week.

Senator June Robinson, 38th Legislative District


Rep. Bob McCaslin

My missed votes were a result of being diagnosed with COVID. Thats it, no more explanation needed.

State Representative Bob McCaslin 4th Legislative District


Rep. Bradley A. Klippert  

Thank you for the inquiry into the House floor votes I missed during the 2022 legislative session. The dates of March 8 and March 9 reflect the highest number of votes missed and heres why.  I was requested to speak to citizen groups across Washington state on policies, issues, and matters of importance, including a district school board meeting on concerns about school safety. These pre-arranged citizen group speaking engagements required travel across the state – and back to Olympia – during the two-day span of March 8 and March 9.   As a community leader, I was asked to attend these pre-arranged speaking engagements on specific dates, and I kept my word that I would attend. Im happy to discuss my thoughts, support, or concerns on any bill that was introduced, passed, or failed during the 2022 legislative session should anyone have questions.

 Respectfully and appreciatively,

Rep. Bradley A. Klippert

State Representative, 8th Legislative District


Rep. Vicki Kraft

On March 9, 2022 – I missed 12 votes because my father-in-law passed away that morning so I was excused and out that day. 

Outside of those, the “missed” vote on Feb. 2, 2022 regarding redistricting – I actually voted no. However for some reason it didn’t register virtually and the House recorded it as a missed/excused vote. 

The 3 missed votes remaining were all on March 3, 2022. I wasn’t feeling well and had to step away from my computer for a bit. These were all excused as well.




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