A title only bill introduced, subject to a public hearing and adopted by the Senate Ways and Means Committee, all on the same day, for the first time has actual text.
Here is the description of the effect of the amendment to SB 6853:
"Establishes the intent of the legislature that tax preferences be reviewed in the same manner as budget expenditures. Sets standards for what should be included in future tax preference legislation. Establishes a task force to provide a process for the legislature and governor to review and consider tax preferences. Increases the makeup of the Citizen's Commission on the Performance Review of Tax measures, and adds criteria to be used by the C! ommission in evaluating tax preferences. Requires the Governor, when submitting tax preference requests to the legislature, to offset the cost of any preferences by reductions or eliminations of existing preferences. Requires the department of revenue to provide the tax exemption report every two years rather than every four years."
Since the bill has already been passed to the Senate rules committee it is unclear if the public will have an opportunity to participate at a real public hearing or if this amendment will simply be enacted on the floor of the Senate.